Mulberries have been cherished throughout history for their delicious fruit and the ease of growing their trees, which can grow ten feet per year. They are also historically significant due to their role in the silk industry, where their nourishing leaves have been a food source for silkworms in China for thousands of years. The berries ripen to a brilliant black, red, pink, or white color.
In Ayurveda, mulberries are known as Shahtoot in Sanskrit. They have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve eyesight, longevity, and immunity. They also help control hypertension, build iron levels, support digestion with fiber, and are potent antioxidants.
Energetically, they have sweet, astringent, and sour tastes and are cooling in nature; they reduce Vata and Pitta but can increase Kapha in excess.
They are pretty sweet but have a low glycemic index, which can be an alternative for diabetes. They also contain resveratrol, which is known to fight cancer. They are high in fiber, antioxidants, and potassium, which benefits heart health and blood pressure.
High calcium benefits bone health, and their energetics promote liver detoxification and build immunity. Their vitamin C content helps fight colds and flu, and their astringent properties kill bacteria.
