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Writer's picture: Jeff PerlmanJeff Perlman


Hingvastaka is a remedy for digestive disturbances, and its heating quality enkindles the digestive fire, stimulates a healthy appetite, and ensure that nutrients are properly absorbed and assimilated. Its grounding quality helps calm the excessive air movement in the system and is an antidote for gas. The oily quality of the herbs supports the natural lubrication of the intestines, assisting in thorough and healthy elimination.  Symptoms related to the Apana Vayu would be bloating, gas, lower intestinal pain, and constipation, and the symptoms related to the Udana Vayu would be belching, hiccups, and indigestion.


Hingvastaka helps to regulate the Samana Vayu operating in the middle of the stomach, which allows the Apana Vayu to descend quickly.  It can impact floral imbalances such as Candida and helps to clear Ama.  It has a positive effect on correcting the flow of Vata with respiratory disorders by reducing mucus in the lungs and allowing Prana to flow freely; it is indicated for asthma, bronchitis, whopping cough, and shortness of breath.  It is also used for Diverticulosis, premenstrual cramping, angina, intestinal colic, and cardiac pain.


Ingredients: Ginger, pepper, pippali, celery seed, rock salt, black cumin and asafoetida

Energetics: Pungent, salt, heating and pungent

Balances: Vata and Kapha and can increase Pitta

Actions: Kindles the digestive fire and Digests intestinal toxins

Biomedical Actions: Carminative, digestive, laxative, antispasmodic, expectorant, analgesic.


When Pregnant

Recommended Dosage:

1-2 gr. 3x day in capsules

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