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Chai Tea

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

This tea is an organic blend of spices and can be made with or without caffeine black tea.

The recipe below makes 64oz.

of the base tea which is then combined with a dairy product.

You can also freeze the tea mixture in ice cube trays and then use them as needed.

Equipment Need

1-large pot


Cheesecloth (0ptional)


2 ½ quarts water

2 Tablespoons Green Cardamom Pods (20g)

2 Tablespoons Ginger Chips (20g)

1 Tablespoon Whole Cloves (10g)

2 tablespoons Black Peppercorns (20g)

2 Tablespoons Licorice Chips (20g)

2 Tablespoons Whole Star Anise (15g)

2 Tablespoons Cinnamon Chips (20g)

1 teaspoonNutmeg Powder (5g)

1 ounce Black Tea (28g)


Bring water to boil, add Cardamom Pods, Ginger Chips, Cloves, Black Peppercorns, and Licorice Chips, reduce to a simmer, cover pot and cook for 15 minutes, turn off.

Next, add Whole Star Anise, Nutmeg Powder, Cinnamon Chips, and Black Tea to pot, stir, cover and let infuse for 30 minutes.

Strain the tea, if you use all whole ingredients (except nutmeg). It makes clean up very easier, but if you use powders you will have to use cheesecloth when straining.

Store the tea in an airtight container or you can freeze it in ice cube trays & store in the freezer.

For each cup of Chai Tea mixture, use an equal amount of the dairy product of your choice, such as cow, soy, coconut or almond milk, and sweeten to your liking (I suggest maple syrup).

The Ayurvedic Energetics

A Note: I make Chai kits which come with instructions and are very nice gifts, please contact me for more information @

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