The Goji Berry is the most recognizable name for this fruit from China. In India, they are known as Wolfberries and have been used medicinally for 6,000 years in Chinese, Tibetan, and Ayurvedic Medicine.
Goji berries are native to Central Asia, specifically the Himalayan Mountains, where they grow in a few specific regions. They are typically eaten raw or made into juice, wine, or tea. Goji berries are also commonly eaten as a snack or added to recipes, and they are made into powders, capsules, tablets, teas, and tinctures for medicinal purposes.
These berries fall into the nightshade family, with over 2,800 species found in foods, herbs, shrubs, and trees. Many have heard of nightshades concerning foods that can be problematic for some because of specific alkaloids that can impact nerve-muscle and joint function and digestion. Although nightshade foods (potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarinds, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and tabasco sauce) are the first considered, they are best known as drugs, including mandrake, tobacco, and belladonna, and even is found in one of Ayurvedic favorite herbs, Ashwagandha.

Goji berries are considered a superfood (a nutrient-rich food beneficial for health and well-being) because of their antioxidant and adaptogenic (adapt to the body's needs, bringing balance to physical, mental, and emotional stresses. They improve circulation and cell growth, are a natural detoxificant for the kidneys and liver, have low glucose levels, improves vision, and helps to fight cancer and other infectious diseases. Additionally, their use increases fertility in women and improves sexual function in men, overall increases energy, improves mental focus and acuity, calmness, and sleep.
Ayurvedic Energetics
Elements: Air & Earth
Sweet, sour, and warming
Doshic Balance: Vata, Pitta & Kapha equally
Bio-medical actions: Nutritive, adaptogenic, antioxidant, blood tonic, livotonic, and rebuilds fluids.
Suggest dosage: 6-18g